Student Support Services & Ma'alot Program
Our team delivers services from Early Childhood to 12th Grade through various strategies:
- Positive behavior/academic approach to student success
- Education plan with Case Management
- Inclusion support
- Content mastery support
- Executive functioning coaching
- Social skills counseling
- Short-term Intervention (general studies and Hebrew)
- Early childhood intervention
- Tutorial times for all students to receive extra help from their mainstream or support teachers
- Reading assessments with targeted intervention program
Support provided in the following areas:
- Specific areas of learning disabilities: reading, writing, math
- Dyslexia
- Autism
- Speech services
- Other health impairment (OHI)
- medical diagnoses
- Vision and Hearing Impairment
- Social emotional regulation
- Intellectual disability
"Educate all children according to their unique path."
"לחנך את כל הילדים על פי דרכם הייחודית"
Our Team
K-8th Coordinator
Michael Taback
9-12th Coordinator
Bonnie Atkins