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Lower School

Kindergarten through 5th Grade

At Akiba Yavneh Academy’s Lower School, we educate the whole child.

In addition to secular and Judaic academics of the highest standards, we emphasize social emotional learning, and create an environment that inspires a love of Israel and Judaism.

All of our curricula is intentionally designed to encourage students to think critically and take an active role in their learning. Our Reading programs in both English and Hebrew focus on both fluency and comprehension. Math balances mastering concepts and computational skills with higher order thinking. Science is experiment based and pushes students to question their findings. Social studies encourages students to ask why? How? And what is the impact?

Judaics classes not only help students gain a strong Jewish identity but give them the skills to become independent learners. Our classes are taught using a centers based approached, allowing for differentiation and focused teacher attention. We offer support and enrichment to help students thrive at any level.

In addition to the core academics, students participate daily in lively tefillot (prayers). Students have physical education, art, technology, and social/emotional learning weekly. Recess is intentionally built in at every grade level to encourage physical activity as well as nurture positive student relationships. We join weekly as a lower school community for Shabbat Shebang, an assembly filled with songs, learning and communal activities.

Our Kavod (respect) program encourages students to make positive choices and help grow their classroom community, teaching the students the skills to take responsibility for their actions. Additionally, students who go above and beyond each week are recognized at our weekly Shabbat Shebang.


K-8 Judaic Studies Principal Chaya Kenigsberg

Chaya Kenigsberg
K-8 Judaic Studies Principal

K-8 General Studies Principal Whitney Hurwitz

Whitney Hurwitz
K-8 General Studies Principal

K-8 Handbook

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